Reblog: Green Burial

“An emerging green burial movement is… eschewing chemical embalming and bulletproof metal caskets, elaborate and costly funerals, more and more are embracing a range of natural burial options, new and old, that are redefining a better – and greener – way of death.”

Very interesting article.

3 thoughts on “Reblog: Green Burial

  1. I agree! Eliminating pollutants is commendable and necessary!

    But “burial parks” where no signs of the dead are allowed do not integrate death but try to deny it by making it invisible. Enduring markers are symbols of hope and transcedence. We could create beautiful natural areas WITH attractive markers. Use boulders instead of marble!

    Also, trees alone as markers will lead to charming but anonymous forests.But a beautiful old engraved boulder AND a tree!

    Finally, green burial does NOTHING new to assure grave perpetuity, a truly eternal rest.

  2. I like the idea of burying people’s physical bodies in places that aren’t even necessarily cemeteries intended for visitation, but just a place where the bodies can decompose in peace.

    I love the idea of continuing to have memorial stones. The concept of headstones actually comes out of the Egyptian tradition of stele, hieroglyphyic-inscribed prayerstones. I could see these stones or some other kind of memorials being in a place where community gathers, vs. the green burial location, so that we get the best of both worlds.

    A chance to honor the dead in the place where community meets, and a way for the process of burial to become more green and sustainable.

    I find I’m not interested in having my grave (actual burial place) exist in perpetuity–I really do want to decompose. I’d rather have my work remembered through the things that I built, the projects I spearheaded, my presence in community, my artwork, and perhaps some kind of memorial/remembrance place along with others in a Pagan community center where anyone who’d like to honor the dead can do so.

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